Friday, June 27, 2014

Greensboro goodies

I had an AAU tournament in Greensboro Memorial Day weekend and was able to get some birding in. We had ABA #275 Willow Flycatcher and yearbird Warbling Vireo.

On June 10th, we saw a Grasshopper Sparrow on Inwood Rd in Wake County.

On June 16-17th we birded the mountains. We had overwhelming success with 5 lifers. They were:
Ruffed Grouse- 2
Northern Saw-whet Owl- 2 (one seen)
Alder Flycatcher- 2
Mourning Warbler- 1
Black-capped Chickadee- 2 (heard only)

Other goodies were Willow and Least Flycatcher, YT Vireo, Cerulean Warbler, Canada Warbler, Baltimore Oriole, and Pine Siskin.

The CBC Meeting

The 2014 Carolina Bird Club spring meeting was held in Hendersonville, NC this year. The meeting went quite well, we had good weather, and good birds.

On Friday, May 2, we birded the parkway north of Asheville including Mt Mitchell. We had some good birds including Swainson's and Cerulean Warblers, a heard only Blackpoll and Kentucky Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Blue-headed Vireo, among other common breeding birds. No lifers but, all in all, a good day with a decent amount of yearbirds.

On Saturday we birded with Simon Thompson around Henderson County and ended up with 91 species, but no lifers. Highlights included lingering waterbirds such as a Red-breasted Merganser, Horned Grebe, a pair of Red-necked Grebes, shorebirds such as Spotted, Solitary, and Least Sandpipers, Eurasian Collared-Doves (6), a good bird for the western half of the state, all swallows but Bank, a late pair of American Pipits, Northern Waterthrush, a good number of Cape May and Blackpoll Warblers, 18 Palm Warblers, White-crowned Sparrows, and 9 Bobolink.

On Sunday, the official meeting was over, but a goodly number of birders stuck around another day or two and birded. We were no exception. We birded Beaver Lake and picked up a Magnolia Warbler and lifer Nashville Warbler (thanks to Simon Thompson). On the way home, we stopped at Reynolda in Winston-Salem to see a continuing Olive-sided Flycatcher (lifer).

It was a great meeting!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Update Time!

I'm going to start posting regularly again, and thought I'd start with catching you up with the lifers I've gotten since my last post. All were seen in NC.

Nov. 2013

248. Brant- Pea Island NWR/South Pond
249. Merlin- Pea Island NWR/South Pond
250. Surf Scoter- Jennett's Pier, Nags Head

Dec. 2013

251. Snowy Owl- Cape Point
252. Snow Bunting- Cape Point
253. White-rumped Sandpiper- Pea Island NWR 
254. Sharp-shinned Hawk- Hyde Co.
255. Canvasback- Wake Co.
256. Common Goldeneye- Yard/Wake Co.
257. White-crowned Sparrow- Mid Pines Rd.
258. Harlequin Duck- Oregon Inlet
259. Purple Sandpiper- Oregon Inlet
260. Ash-throated Flycatcher- Alligator River NWR
261. Short-eared Owl- Alligator River NWR
262. American Woodcock- Alligator River NWR
263. Say's Phoebe- Washington Co.
264. Long-tailed Duck- Masonboro Inlet/South end of Wrighstville 
265. Western Kingbird- Ft. Fisher 

Jan. 2014

266. Rufous Hummingbird- Wake Co.
267. White-winged Scoter- Johnie Mercer Pier
268. Pacific Loon- Johnie Mercer Pier
269. Saltmarsh Sparrow- Ft. Fisher

Feb. 2014

270. Common Merganser- Guilford Co.
271. Red-necked Grebe- Guilford Co.

That's it! We are attending the CBC Meeting in a week, where I should pick up some good birds (got 10 lifers on the same trip last year). Not expecting anymore than two lifers though. Also have a trip planned to Texas in November so I should pick up a ton of lifers there!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lifer updates

I thought I'd share some of my recent lifers:

July 28- August 7

During this time I was in southern coastal South Carolina for a family vacation. I found a Whimbrel (#233) in a salt marsh at Fripp Island, SC. Later that week, I visited Harbor Island, SC, with Buddy Campbell and picked up Common Ground-Dove (#234).

September 21-22

This was my first trip to Jackson Park, in Hendersonville, NC. This park is legendary for its fall migrants, but, unfortunately, I caught it on a bad year. I did pick up lifers Northern Waterthrush (#235), Yellow-throated Vireo (#236 and a long-time nemesis), Magnolia Warbler (#237), Tennessee Warbler (#238), Bay-breasted Warbler (#239), and Swainson's Thrush (#240).

Note*- I did self-find a Canada Warbler and a female Golden-winged Warbler at Jackson Park.

September 27-29

The long-awaited Carolina Bird Club trip to the Myrtle Beach area of SC. At Huntington Beach State Park I picked up Blackpoll Warbler(#241) and Clapper Rail (#242,heard and seen). At Santee Delta I got King Rail (#243,heard as well as seen in flight), and at Santee Coastal Reserve I got Sora (#244, heard and seen), and Bachman's Sparrow (#245,stunning looks).

October 18th

On a VERY brief visit to Ft. Fisher on the way to Myrtle Beach (family vacation, not for birding), I picked up Peregrine Falcon (#246).

November 2

At Mid Pines Rd. in Raleigh, I got a pair of Vesper Sparrows for #247.

There ya have it!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Colleton County SC

I just recently spent a weekend down in south SC and ended up with 9 lifers. A very brief summary:

Bear Island WMA:  Mottled Ducks, Northern Bobwhites, Anhinga, Great, Snowy and Reddish Egrets, American White Pelicans, Least Bitterns, Great Blue, Tricolored and Green Herons, White and Glossy Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, Osprey, Turkey and Black Vultures, Common Gallinule, Killdeer, Black-necked Stilt, Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted, Semipalmated, Western, Least, Stilt, and Pectoral Sandpipers, SB Dowitchers, Least, Gull-billed, Forster's, Royal, and Black Terns, Black Skimmers, and Tree Swallows.

 Donnelley WMA: Northern Parulas, Wood Storks, Anhingas, Roseate Spoonbills, Common Gallinule, Wood Ducks, Wild Turkey, and Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks.

Mottled Duck
BB Whistling-Duck
Stilt SP
Least SP
Pectoral SP
Western SP
Black Tern
Least Bittern
Roseate Spoonbill

This trip put me at 232 on the list.
See ya next time!

13 year old birder.

Ft. Fisher SRA

On the 16th I took a day-trip to Ft. Fisher down in New Hanover County. We spent most of our time on the spit, a legendary place among birders. During fall, thousands of shorebirds visit the spit and the area around it, but we would have to settle for our lifers Wilson's Plover and Common Nighthawk. We had great views of both. On the way back home we stopped by Mason Inlet WMA and picked up lifer Common Tern. That's a brief summary of our trip.

Common Nighthawk

Wilson's Plover

Friday, July 12, 2013

Some recent photos

Yellow-breasted Chat:
Roanoke River Trail, NC

Chestnut-sided Warbler:
Trout Lake, NC